Corrosion Control & Automation Systems
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Concrete Issues

Extending the Life of Old Concrete Structures
Reinforced concrete, a miracle invented by the ancient Romans, provides shelter to many humans. Why is it that Roman concrete lasted 2000 years when our modern, "improved" concrete often cracks after 20 years of service?... >>
A Case Study in Sidewalk Failure
Our client, a major developer, observed the sidewalks in his new housing development falling apart six months after construction. He requested that we subject a specimen to petrographic analysis... >>
Causation of Defects in Concrete Floors
Just like "clothes make the man", quality concrete floors represent the structures in which they are placed, be it homes, offices, hospitals or warehouses. A cracked or scaled floor is hard to disguise... >>
Half Cell Survey Method for Locating Corrosion in Concrete Structures
A half cell survey is an effective method of locating corrosion in concrete structures... >>
Petrographic Analysis of Concrete Structures
Petrography (microscopic analysis) of concrete can reveal defects in its composition and in the way it was placed... >>