Corrosion Control & Automation Systems
for Municipalities and Industry
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Services for Municipalities

Corrosion Services provides cathodic protection solutions for municipalities to protect against infrastructure corrosion. The company trains municipal water departments and sewage department personnel to monitor and protect their own water mains, water storage tanks and sewage plants.

Cathodic protection systems are a cost-effective solution to the ongoing problem of corrosion. They are ideal for municipalities striving to meet a tight budget, address issues quickly, and save capital and maintenance costs.

For water lines, Corrosion Services surveys corrosion hot spots, and then trains municipal personnel to apply the cathodic protection of their design to these areas. For more information about the technique of cathodic protection, see The Solution to Destructive Water Main Breaks.

For old water tanks as well as new ones, Corrosion Services designs, specifies and installs anodes. It tests the efficacy of the cathodic protection and periodically reviews the system's performance. See The Solution to Protection of Water Tanks from Corrosion.