Cathodic Protection for Foundations of Land Based Wind Turbines
Most of the North American wind turbines are young, less than 20 years of age. Significant corrosion damages to their plinth (pedestal) has not yet been recorded, although cracks on the exposed surfaces have already been documented. These cracks expose the foundations’ rebars to water, oxygen, carbonate and chloride, all of which are corrosion agents.
The plinth rebars rise above the
foundation yet to be encased in concrete
The role of corrosion of reinforcing steel bars (rebars for short) in causing damage to ageing concrete structures is well known. Concrete that is exposed to the elements is often replaced within 30 years of the life to the structure.
Cathodic protection to the plinth of wind turbines is economical and will protect them from damages from corrosion that could result in catastrophic foundation failures. Corrosion Services designs, monitors the installation, commissions the operation, and monitors cathodic protection for foundations of wind turbines.
Cathodic protection to the plinth of
land based wind turbines